Cash Discount Program

Eliminate Your Processor Fees With Our Cash Discount Program

Are you tired of paying outrageous merchant service fees?

Electronic Payments’ Cash Discount Program allows merchants to collect up to 95% of their revenue without all of the extra fees that come with accepting credit cards!

Accept Credit Cards Without The Cost

Boost your business’s revenue and incentivize cash payments without any disruption to your day to day operations. Contact us today and learn why 1,000’s of businesses are implementing Cash Discount Programs!

More Great Electronic Payments Features

Receive a free state-of-the-art EMV enabled terminal shipped right to your door!

Stop giving your hard earned money to the banks and put it back into your wallet.

Is Electronic Payments' Cash Discount Program Right For Your Business?

Let us evaluate your merchant solution!

Get a free analysis

Thinking of switching payment processors? We’ll give you a complimentary, no obligation analysis of your current situation and advise on any improvements you can make. Our goal is to educate and provide clarity to payment processing services, because we know that’s what you really need.